YOGmazing Video Podcast is a Lifestyle Channel that offers a weekly 25 minute yoga routine that will bring balance to your body, mind and soul.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Yoga for Balance

Zone Perfect presents the YOGAmazing Video Podcast

In this episode I received an email from Cate and she requested a yoga class on balancing for the body and mind. This series of poses will challenge you mentally to stay in the moment, so remember to breathe deeply and allow the pose to move through you effortlessly with ease, if you would like to make a suggestion please send an email to chaz@yogamazing.com

YOGAmazing Web site

enjoy... namaste,



Anonymous said...

This was a hard one for me but, not as hard as I would have imagined it to be. Thanks for telling us it was all right to fall out of the poses! I seemed to make a hobby of falling out during one portion of the class!
It always amazes me though how fast the sessions go by though. It feels as though they've just started and then, they're ending. I always feel better, more relaxed and energized after all the classes. Thank-you for bringing us these weekly lessons.

Chaz said...

Mark thanks for the support and I'm glad that you enjoy the podcasts.


Brian said...

I find the balance poses, especially the tree pose, to be especially beneficial. It seems that hours later I find myself feeling much more upright and optimistic.

This week's series is a surprisingly good workout for the legs and hips. This is one that I will definitely do again and again.